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Senin, 30 November 2009

Pin-up girl Angel Tattoo

Pin-up girl Angel TattooPin-up girl beautiful Angel Tattoo

RANDOM TATTOO QUOTE: Your body is a temple, but how long can you live in the same house before you redecorate? -- Author Unknown


My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist. ----Johnny Depp

With the Haidas, however, every mark has its meaning … ---- James Swan, Tattoo Marks of the Haida, 1878.


My body is a journal in a way. It's like what sailors used to do, where every tattoo meant something, a specific time in your life when you make a mark on yourself, whether you do it yourself with a knife or with a professional tattoo artist. ----Johnny Depp

The universality of tattooing is a curious subject for speculation. ~James Cook, 1779

Selasa, 10 November 2009

Avatare messenger cu Mos Craciun

Iarna a venit de ceva timp si impreuna cu ea vin Sarbatorile de Iarna si Mos Craciun. 
M-am gandit ca ar fi util sa pun si cateva avatare cu Mos Craciun pnetru Yahoo Messenger si forumuri.
Majoritatea avatarelor sunt cu Santa Claus in diferite ipostaze comice.



Nu uitati sa trimiteti si prieteniilor adresa de unde ati luat avataru pentru mess.

Senin, 09 November 2009

Poze 3D

Va mai amintiti de Superman?? Azi am onoarea sa va prezint pe Supergirl, prietena lui Superman. Uitati-va cu atentie la imagine. Nu-i asa ca-i sta mai bine costumu??

Super Girl in Padure - Poza 3d
natura 3d imagine wallpaer
3d Pod Londra Rau Valuri Tsunami


Minggu, 08 November 2009

Contact Me

Puteti sa folositi formularul de mai jos pentru a ma contacta in legatura cu orice.


Kamis, 05 November 2009

Imagini noi pentru desktop

Doua wallpapere diferite care nu au nici o legatura. In primul wallpaper este vorba despre un peisaj, probabil in America, backgroun-ul este acoperit cu muntii cu varfu plin de zapada si apoi in planul principal avem un urs care aduna hrana pentru iarna care il asteapta.

Imagini noi pentru desktop.

Iar in a doua imagine putem vedea o insula, mai exact insula Hawaii. Probabil ca v-ati deat seama ca poza e facuta din satelit. Se pot vedea norii, oceanul, si insulelel din apropiere.

Peisaj de Iarna nou urs 2009
urs peisaj de iarna canada
INsule Ocean Vacanta Satelit
insule apa sateliti starndAmbele wallpapers pentru desktop au rezolutia de 1280 x 1024.

Rabu, 04 November 2009

Angel tribal tattoo on shoulder

angel tribal tattoo on shoulderAngel tribal tattoo on shoulder

RANDOM TATTOO QUOTE: Tattoo the pristine flesh
What is permanent anyway?
This ink only lasts 'til the grave,
Skin and ideas decompose
That which we did compose. ----Corri Alius


But to become a freak one needs a strong character and unusual determination. ----George Burchett

My tattoo is a phoenix. I got the first when I was 16. I hid it for years. ----Ashley Scott

Think before you ink! ~Author Unknown


Giving birth was easier than having a tattoo. -- Nicole Appleton

Let your joy scream across the pain.

A tattoo is an affirmation: that this body is yours to have and to enjoy while you're here. Nobody else can control what you do with it. -- Don Ed Hardy

Realistic 3D Black Widow Spider Tattoo
Dog Tattoo With Crown - Loyalty Comes Free
Carpe Diem Ambigram Tattoo Design
Biomechanical Alien Tattoo Design on Hand
Anchor Birds and Waves Tattoo Design on Sidebody
Black ink Tattoo of Angel with Cross
Animated Tasmanian Devil Taz Tattoo on Arms
Jungle Animals back Tattoo Designs
Armband tattoo of Musical Notes and Guitar
Asian Style Koi Fish Tattoo Design on back
Aztec Style Sun Symbol Tattoo Design
Barbed Wire Legband Tattoo Design
Evil Teddy Bear Tattoo
Motorcycle racing Biker Tattoo Design on back
Biomechanical Armsleeves Tattoo Design
Black and Grey Flower Tattoo Design for Girls Sidebody tattoo
Bull Rider Tattoo Design on Leg
Ladybug Flowers and Leaf Tattoo on Foot
Car Tattoo Design - Hot Wheels
Cute Black Ink Cat Tattoo
Grim Reaper Death Tattoo on Back - The weak shall inherit nothing
 Monster Demon Head Tattoo with Flames
Full Color Dragonfly and Flower Tattoo Design
Tattoo of Dagger Stabbing a Heart
Heart and Crown Tattoo Design on Wrist
Crazy Clown Tattoo Design with Money Tattoo
Chinese Character for Love - Neck Tattoo Design
Four Leaf Clover Tattoo with Celtic Design
Black and Grey Cherub Angel Tattoo on Arms
Bow and Cherry Tattoo on back of Neck
Beautiful Celtic Deer Tattoo Design
